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College of Ozarks - Tution free, pay with time for education by campus jobs!

Education model: Work for your education so tuition is free.

Place: Rural Missouri, 40 miles south of Springfield, nestled in the foothils of the Ozark Mountains, Point Lookout, Mo.

School: College of the Ozarks

Fees: Tuition is free. But students pay with their time by working 15 hrs/week on campus and surrounding community! Some students from low-income homes also spend 12 weeks of summer on campus working to cover their room and board. The jobs range from campus security to cooking and cleaning hotel rooms, tending the hundreds of cattle, building new dorms and buildings, to operating the power plant.

Grading: Part of the students' grade point average is determined by how they do on the job and those who shirk their work duties are tossed out.


Programs: Renowned nursing program, business school and agriculture program.

Admission Reqm: Avg. ACT score:21; To gain admittance, each student must demonstrate "financial need, academic ability, sound character, and a willingness to work.

2013 - Had 4,000 applicants for about 400 freshman slots, which makes this remote little school among the nation's most selective.

USP: Graduates don't expect to come into the company as the CEO. Know the value of work.